Rebuilding business – Post Covid shutdown

Let’s get back to work – now!

We are faced with the massive task of restarting our economy and our businesses.

After Customers – the next big factor is quality staff who bring smarts and good attitude to your business.

In my 30 years of recruitment – it still disappoints me to see how often good employers end up with employees who cost them money – rather than making them money.

Here are some practical tips to recognise a good employee – when you meet them.

Good personal presentation for a positive first impression – is everything. Candidates who present themselves in dowdy, slightly grubby attire – will present the same way in your business. Unruly hair, unkempt beards and casual clothes – may be cool in the world of advertising – not so much in a mainstream business environment. Look for good personal grooming and smart attire – at all times

Don’t waste your time with candidates who are not team players. They will quite often make a good first impression in terms of personal presentation – but scratch the surface and the mask will slip. Quite often these candidates will glibly tell you they are team players – yet when you probe and ask for specific examples – the responses are generic and lightweight.

Speaking of generic – don’t accept vague responses to specific questions. I have seen this happen so many times as to be alarming. Keep asking specific questions until you get the answers you are looking for. If you don’t get a clear understanding of a candidates’ situation – walk away! If the candidate cannot explain where they are in their life truthfully and clearly – they will continue to behave this way in your business. Poor communicators – you don’t want.

Underpinning all of the above is “smarts” that suit your vacancy. Everyone is smart – in different ways. The kind of cleverness you need for an Accountant – is very different from the type of smarts needed by an engineer. I have seen employers hire Accounting staff with no accounting experience – but were great sales support people?? Needless to say within 3 months – it ended badly. Make sure the candidate has the smarts and experience to do the job properly.

Most of all……check the references of the candidate. Always insist on speaking to the most recent past employer. Take note – good quality candidates will provide the names and contact details of past employers at the drop of a hat. Candidates with something to hide – never produce credible referees. They make comments like… ”I’m no longer in contact with this Manager – but I can give you the name of a senior in my team.” It would be unwise to accept such a referee.

Click the link to see our post Covid list of great candidates ready to start the re-build now.

Keep well – work hard – be strong
Annette Sleep