Hiring Masterclass

Good talent is always hard to find. If you want to have a shot in the tightening talent pool, we have a few hacks you need to use.

  1. Don’t muck around. The good ones won’t wait around for a 1st interview in a weeks’ time.
  2. If you find an acceptable candidate, don’t wait to compare them to 2 or 3 others that you may (or may not) find. Comparison has become a luxury.
  3. Be prepared. Know the role you have open so you can sell it! That’s right! Tell the candidate why they should choose you and what this role and your company can offer them. Present a Job Description, if you don’t have one, brain dump what you know about the role onto a piece of paper. Something is always better than nothing and candidates will perceive how organised you are.
  4. Transferable skills – think outside the industry to identify those common skills that can be applied to your role (problem solving, sense of urgency, customer focus etc.). Added bonus, they bring fresh thinking and new processes with them!
  5. Consider a migrant – they may need some support in achieving their right to stay long term in NZ, but they bring a wealth of industry experience from their country of origin. With minimal training, they could be up and running!
  6. Once you are happy to make a job offer, ensure the employment contracts are presented within a day or so of the verbal offer. Otherwise, you could be giving your competition time to woo your hard found new hire.
  7. 7. Sweeten the deal. Highlight whatever it is that your company (or you as a manager) does that is special or unique: Friday drinks, team building days, birthdays off etc. put it out there.